For Women 5 early mistakes to avoid in a relationship

So you don't ruin a beautiful relationship before it even begins or gets properly started.

5 ways to not ruin a fledging romance 

Sometimes relationships end before they're properly begun, all by your own doing.

Just at the start of something beautiful, before it fully blossoms into something colourful, you begin to give off traits that might freak out the potential boyfriend, or maybe set you up for heavy disappointment along the way.
Here are five of the things women do that might send guys away even before the relationship starts.

1. Moving too fast

While this works for some guys, for others, it might be too much.
When a man is interested and you are, too, there is a temptation to jump right into it and start treating him like you've known each other  forever.
Maybe this time you need to slow down, observe and move at a pace that works for both of you.

Be careful to take things slow. Don't get ahead of yourself (Chimzi Fashion)

2. Overly clingy

Being too clingy is often a turn-off. 
Just because you're dating and getting ever closer to an official relationship doesn't mean a man is obligated to spend all his time with you

3. Assumptions

Assuming a guy is perfect will not send him running away, but you’ll most likely be setting yourself up for disappointment if you place him on an insanely-high pedestal after only few dates.
Keep calm, and let a considerable amount of time pass before you pass a judgement on his level of perfection
Don't get too clingy too early (Madamenoire)
Expecting too much of his time at an early stage might scare him away.
Some men appreciate women who have stuff going for them, too. Asking for too much time might send a signal to him that you are either always idle or too clingy

4. Avoiding serious conversations

As happy as you might be in the company of a new guy, don’t pass up the opportunity to discuss some important things with him.

Don't be scared to ask him the right questions before you go in too deep. Don't play yourself (Mademoiselle Extraordinaire)

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