Pineapple coconut smoothie is an incredible sweet, yummy and creamy refreshing drink that's pretty easy to make.

Pineapple coconut smoothie is one yummy creamy drink that rivals the taste and feeling of freshness.
When pineapple and coconut are combined with yoghurt and ice, it makes a delicious smoothie that feels like heaven on earth.
With only a few ingredients, you'll be gulping a cup of pineapple coconut cream down your throat.
ALSO READ: How to make fried ice cream
1. 2 cups chopped fresh pineapple
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 cup vanilla or coconut yoghurt
2 teaspoons coconut water
1 cup ice
1. Put the chopped pineapple, coconut water, coconut milk, yoghurt and ice cubes in a blender and crush until it is smooth.
2. Pour in a glass and garnish with shredded coconut (optional).
There you go! Enjoy!