5 reasons why being single rocks, according to science!

Being single can be an amazing period of your life, too [Credit: Black girl single]

Scientific findings show here that you can have the best life while single and waiting for the love of your life.

Being single is just as fantastic as being in a relationship. When you are in a relationship, you are at a phase of life that can bring you immeasurable doses of happiness and put you in a good mental state for life’s motions.
But the good feeling and mental balance required to do life happily is not reserved for only people in relationships. You can be happy, in a good place, fulfilled and satisfied with life even when you are yet single.
According to scientific findings reported in Business insider, here are reasons your your days of being single can be just as fulfilling and euphoric as being in love and in a relationship:
You get more time to actually spoil yourself and practice self love. [Credit: Twitter/Essence]
More time for self love
Being single can be an amazing period of your life, too [Credit: Black girl single]
Obviously, self care and self love and other aspects of living that require time to yourself will flourish more when you are by yourself. You have a lot more time to pursue personal interests, engage in your self care routines, exfoliate, detoxify your body and mind and just have your skin glowing and your spirit flourishing.
Better Interpersonal Relationships
Being single allows people cultivate more friendships and several [intimate] bonds at once, without having to think or worry about how someone else [say, a partner] feels about their closeness to someone else, especially people of the opposite sex.
According to research published in the journal Information, Communication & Society, single people also are more likely to do the work of keeping bonds with their siblings tight.
The motivation to stay fit is higher when you're single [Credit: WRM]
More motivation to stay in shape
A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family says when you are single, you are likely more motivated to hit the gym.
Said study also revealed that divorced people exercise more than married people. It probably has to with the amount of me-time people have on their hands when they do not have a significant other to factor into the equation.
People who are single often have more time to dedicate to their careers [Credit: iStock]
Career success
This one is pretty expected, but people who are single often have more time to dedicate to kicking butt in their careers. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t mover and shakers who are married, but it is easy to work late when you don’t have someone to answer to.
Better With Money
According to debt.org, “21% of single people had credit card debt, [compared to] 27% of married couples without children and 36% of married couples with children,”

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