Love & Dating How to determine & communicate with your partner's love language

Relationships are easier when you know your partner's love language.
Love languages and how to best recognise them.
Love languages and how to best recognise them.

Dr. Gary Chapman's book, "The 5 Love Languages" has been released since 1995 but remains a bestseller till date.

In the book Dr. Chapman, through 30 years of experience arrives at the conclusion that relationships will be easier if only couples could understand each others love languages.
He says people respond best to certain actions and to get the best out of your relationship, you have to know what your partner's favourite action is.
While all the languages are great and should be a part of all relationships, there's always a predominant one and that's the one to mostly focus on

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Some partners thrive on physical touch. It's their love language. (Shutterstock)If you intend to have a happy relationship/marriage, you have to determine which of these five things your partner best reacts to and relate with them based on that.

1. Physical Touch

Partners like this are very hands on. They’re always willing to cuddle, hug, kiss, and generally just continuously be in physical contact with your body
Physical neglect and abuse should be avoided with this kind of partner. It kills them on the inside.

2. Words of Affirmation

Your partner’s love language could be words of affirmation, which means that they’d love to hear you compliment them regularly, send notes or cards telling them how strong, beautiful, pretty and amazing they are, and generally just gassing them up.

3. Quality Time

For some others, time and attention is all they crave.
The need to always be around you at every opportunity they get. They just want to have face-to-face conversations with you, spend time alone with you, go on long walks, trips and vacations and basically just get to do things together with you.
They don’t do well in long distance relationships and are not really happy if their partner spends more time with friends than with them
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You partner could want nothing more than being with you at every chance they get. That's their love language. (Time)  

4. Getting Gifts

Of course, everyone loves gifts but it is a special need to focus on if it is your partner’s love language.
Whether there is a special occasion or it is just another random day, gifts make them so happy.
Try not to forget special days such as anniversaries and birthdays. They don’t like that
Smiling Woman
Be selfless to your partner if that's their love language. (Psychology Today)  

5. Acts of Service

If this is your partner’s love language he/she will love you deeper if you do stuff for them.
Helping out with chores, repairs and maintenance as well as other acts of kindness gets to them a lot and will always charm them.
Selfishness and ignoring their requests no matter how little hurts them.

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