Atiku, Buhari Ex VP attacks President, calls him an ingrate

Former Nigeria VP Atiku takes aim at the Buhari led administration, says he's been sidelined.

Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar visits President Muhammadu Buhari in Abuja on June 16, 2015.
Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar visits President Muhammadu Buhari in Abuja on June 16, 2015.

Former Nigeria Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, has attacked the Muhammadu Buhari led administration, stopping short of labelling the incumbent an ingrate.

According to Daily Trust, Atiku's comments were made on the Hausa service of the Voice of America (VOA).
On the program, Atiku bitterly complained that he's been sidelined by the APC led administration at the center which he contributed to enthroning.
“Honestly speaking, I’m still a member of the APC; I was part of all the processes, including campaigns until success was achieved,” Atiku was quoted as saying.
“But sadly, soon after the formation of government; I was side-lined, I have no any relationship with the government, I’ve not been contacted even once to comment on anything and in turn, I maintained my distance. They used our money and influence to get to where they’re but three years down the lane, this is where we are.”
Atiku's comments arrive just hours after a Minister in Buhari's cabinet, Aisha Alhassan, said the former Vice President is her godfather and blessed his 2019 presidential ambition.
"Atiku is my godfather even before I joined politics,” she said.“And again, Baba Buhari did not tell us that he is going to run in 2019.
“Let me tell you today that if Baba said he is going to contest in 2019, I swear to Allah, I will go before him and kneel and tell him that ‘Baba I am grateful for the opportunity you gave me to serve your government as a minister but Baba just like you know I will support only Atiku because he is my godfather. If Atiku said he is going to contest.
“If because of what I said, I am sacked, it will not bother me because I believe in Allah, that my time has elapsed that is why…"
Atiku's and Alhassan's comments point to the succession and power battles behind the scenes, within the governing APC.
Atiku has never hidden his intention to become Nigeria's president. He lost the 2014 APC presidential primary contest to Buhari and has swapped political parties in a bid to realising a lifelong ambition.
Buhari who is battling an undisclosed ailment, has not ruled himself out of another presidential run in 2019--the year his first term elapses.

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