Modeling Adventure Down Under Began With Masked Robbery For Christie Brinkley’s Daughter

Christie Brinkley feared for her daughter’s life when she called mom to report a robbery.
Sailor Brinkley-Cook, 20, is walking in her iconic mother’s modeling footsteps and she recently relocated to Australia to pursue her catwalk dreams, but the big move hasn’t been smooth – and Christie’s first call from her daughter Down Under involved an active crime.
“She’s living in Australia now,” the ageless beauty tells news show Extra. “The first call I get from her (Sailor says): ‘Mom, Mom, there’s two guys in my door, one is shirtless with a ski mask over his head and they’re banging on the neighbor’s door!'”
Christie’s mothering instincts kicked in to protect her daughter, and she told Sailor, “‘Okay, okay, do not move, keep your doors locked’.”
She then took immediate action by finding her kid a new place.
“(I jumped to) get her out of that building,” the 64 year old shares.
But things continued to go downhill for Sailor with Christie revealing: “The next call was she got the flu, and I was like, ‘We are off to a bumpy start’.”
Luckily all is well with Sailor now, who is all better and has yet to come across another crime in progress during her stay in Australia.
“Now, everything is like, ‘I love it here!'” Christie gushes. “Now she’s in a good place… It was really scary.”
As Sailor settles in, busy mom Christie is also helping Alexa Ray Joel, her daughter from her marriage to rocker Billy Joel, plan her wedding to restaurateur Ryan Gleason.
“Over the holidays, she said, ‘Mom, let’s get going and start planning’,” she shares. “I’m gonna try my best to… help her dream come true.”

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