Police foil attacks, rescue kidnapped victims in Kaduna


Kaduna Police Command says it got a trouble call through DPO Kafanchan that obscure shooters had hindered Jagindi Godo-Godo street, assaulted a Sharon Vehicle and associated to have stole inhabitants with the said vehicle. 

This was contained in an articulation by the Command's Spokesperson, ASP Mohammed Jalige in Kaduna. 

The ASP clarified that on receipt of the data, the DPO drove a group of agents to the scene, gave the desperados a hot pursue occasioned by a strategic fire reaction against the criminals who were taking shots inconsistently at the Operatives. 

Jalige kept up that the agents prevailing with regards to saving three casualties safe. 

In a connected turn of events, the Command likewise got a report from DPO Rigasa that some furnished desperados attacked the home of one Abdulganiyu Husseini of Mahuta Community, seized him, his significant other and girl and were supposed to head the woodland. 

It called attention to that on getting the trace of the occurrence, agents were promptly activated to the space and drawn in the scoundrels in furious trade of fire of which the prevalent and strategic fire force of the Police constrained the outlaws to forsake the spouse and her girl, however got away with the husband to an obscure objective. 

The representative noticed that exertion is been increased to protect the person in question and conceivable capture the guilty parties. 

He added that the Commissioner of Police Umar Musa Muri communicated appreciation to the great individuals of Kaduna State for consistently been strong to the Command in the space of the brief report of episodes or dubious circumstance. 

The Commissioner similarly charged Officers and men in the Command to work intimately with their host networks to guarantee the wellbeing of lives and property while ensuring the character of the individuals who chipped in data consistently.

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