Obasanjo Slams Agitators Of Secession


 Previous President Olusegun Obasanjo has denounced fomenters of breaking down of the nation saying that that it will be "practically moronic" for Nigeria to crumble at a time and like this when Africa is attempting to reintegrate for political, social and financial turn of events.

 He demanded that the nation is better together for every one of the ethnic gatherings in the nation to stay together as one resolute country with reasonableness and value and where all Nigerians will feel pleased, instead of for every clan to head out in a different direction. 

He expressed his genuine thoughts at the lunch meeting and induction coordinated by the Nigerian Institution of Surveyor, Ogun State part, held at the premises of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) Abeokuta.

The previous President approached all fomenters for the deterioration of the nation to hold the thought, and work for the solidarity and unity of the country. 

'It Will Cost Us Less To Work For Our Unity' 

While conceding that the current circumstance in the nation isn't acceptable, he focused on that requiring the breaking down of the nation isn't the arrangement.

He communicated the hopefulness that, Nigeria will come out more grounded from every one of the difficulties presently going up against it if all residents hold their own advantage and turn out together for the solidarity and progress of the country. 

The previous president who refered to the instances of Pakistan, Yugoslavia and Sudan as nations who have split away, however are yet to discover answers for their issues, said Nigerians should censure themselves for the country's hardships instead of accusing God.

"On the off chance that there is any Nigerian who doesn't feel uneasy on the circumstance of the country, the individual is a person without being human. 

"Any Nigerian who is human will be uneasy, if not baffled with the current circumstance in the country. We are uneasy about security circumstance, worried about monetary circumstance, uncertain about our political circumstance and the drum we are hearing is that of crumbling of the country. 

"I'm a solid adherent of one Nigeria, however not one Nigeria at any expense, but rather one Nigeria where each Nigerian can feel glad that the person has a stake in this country.

"No Nigerian is conceived a slave in this country. No Nigerian is destined to be mistreated in this country and those of us that have shared piece of our blood and sweat for this country, we did that since we needed a country that each Nigerian can guarantee as their own. 

"One thing that invigorates us is our variety. In the event that all that we have is Republic of Oduduwa for the individuals who said as much, their position is reasonable. On the off chance that that is all we have, individuals from that nation will be reduced contrasted with be a resident of Nigeria. Residents of Oduduwa Republic or some other republic from Nigeria will be decreased contrasted with residents of Nigeria.

"In this age and time that we are discussing the reintegration of Africa for financial turn of events, breaking down of any nation will be practically doltish in the event that we have Igboland as an autonomous country, Yorubaland a free country and Fulani/Hausaland an autonomous country. 

"Also, as a companion of mine in the military used to say then, at that point, what will happen to the more than 300 minorities – the Jukuns, the Gbasamas? Where will they have a place? The lone explanation they can raise up their heads is on the grounds that they have a place with Nigeria. Is it true that we are considering them or would we say we are simply being narrow minded? It doesn't make any difference what we do, we will in any case be neighbors.

"We had seen it previously, India was broken into India and Pakistan, they are still at battle till today. Yugoslavia was broken into the number of nations, they haven't arranged it till today. Sudan was broken into Sudan and South Sudan, I don't trust South Sudan is better for it and that is reality. 

"I trust it will cost us less to work for our solidarity, there are numerous things wrong, however those things are correctable on the off chance that we put forth attempts to address them and hold us together than what it will cost us to separate and be interminably at war and all our cash will be spent in building a military. I understand what a military contains, I understand keeping a military, a military that may not be useful, allowed us to consider everything", Obasanjo expressed.

Talking on the significance of study to the public turn of events, Obasanjo said, the whole nation ought to be reviewed to accomplish monetary turn of events and change. 

He, in this way, charged the public body of the Nigerian Institution of Surveyors to draft a proposition on the public overview of the country to the Federal Government. 

"At the point when I was the leader of the country, the venture of reviewing the whole nation started, yet it stalled out and I don't have the foggiest idea where the undertaking is currently", Obasanjo noted.

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